If there's just one thing in this entire post you have time to pay attention to, let it be this:  visit The League   and find out about service learning projects, specifically The Drive to collect canned foods throughout November

Monday:Student-centered issues: Obesity: CATCH curriculum activity breaks

Tuesday and Wednesday: Character Education: check out the Learning to Give service project toolkit. On our campus network share drive and on The League (AISD's partner in service learning website) is a canned food drive toolkit

Thursday: Academics: play "password" (attached) using science vocabulary

Friday: free choice: show pictures from Halloween. Everyone always has Halloween pictures!! 

Please take a moment to post your favorite lesson plans, activities resources, videos, websites, podcasts, how-to's, experience, and total freakouts on the forum page of this site. We have found some pages won't load from desktops so it's better to use your laptops. 

Website for the week: The League: dozens of service learning projects 

Interesting video for the week: a Discovery Streaming video called  “Rant” which follows two live ants on a series of misadventures; one ant is a Mexican immigrant and the other is a native Anglo. The video is an intersting take on tolerance and stereotypes. See your campus email for the username and password. URLs, Usernames, and Passwords are also available through the BMS Library on Ms Shelby’s helpful takehome card.

Tip of the week: if you need tech help please email me or Sally Lesley and we will come to your room and help you do stuff you're not sure about. For Real.